Take Care, Dawg
Men’s health is like a 7-headed beast, isn’t it? No, it isn’t! But can it be? Only if you want to…
Pretty much all diseases that threaten the male universe could be avoided or minimized with basic behavioral changes. Whether being practical or psychological, they all start from the inside out.
From the one who is STRONG AS A BULL, to the one who RULES THE ROOST, even the one who is HEALTHY AS A LION and POTENT AS A HORSE, there is lots of biodiversity to justify the unjustifiable.
It’s (Blue) November, and the hunting season for lame excuses is open. Get to know this extremely diverse – but not unusual – fauna and #CuidadoBicho (Take Care, Dawg)!
Ale Buika - Creative Direction
Ricardo Freiesleben, Bruno Alencar, Eduardo Prado, Bernardo Igreja, Silvia Piccolo - Copywriting
Victor Vega, Carlos Amaral, Rogerio Cunha, Clayton Hayashi - Art Direction
Rodrigo Leal, Rogerio Cunha, Marcela Reis - Motion Design
Alcione Gauze, Gustavo Moser, Paulo Mata - Design
Rodrigo Leal - Videomaker